
photo-self-portraitJust a traveller through time, a student of life, a lawyer, an actor, a poet,  guitarist,  sharing some thoughts with fellow travellers, in poetry, in prose, in any which way they come to me.

52 comments on “About

  1. friend says:

    You are absolutely fantastic person and I admire you – Truly!
    this is extremely rare coming from me
    we know the imperialist well and we know what you have gone thru and are going thru.
    we thank you for your brilliant work re:
    Anatomy of a War Crimes Trial: The Criminalisation of International Justice
    by Christopher Black

    look at it as geat experience and now you know how the “bastards” ideology
    with great regard for you and take good care – do not ever meet “them goons”

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Would you write a poem for me on Tommy please?


  3. Elson Kim says:

    Dear Christopher Black, After discovering yourself to be such a learned man, I wondered who you might be after reading your article comparing Nato’s recent activity to Operation Barbarossa, and how you developed your disposition towards western governments. After your experience in Rwanda, I now understand and empathize. However, in every conflict, there are always two sides, and the stories that are told and remembered are left to the victor/victim to write or re-write as favors the author. World hegemony is an interesting game played on a stage far beyond myself, yet my best tools are information and an educated vote. Woefully, there are few who can wield either without some bias. We disagree on the need for balance in world hegemony, and while you aspire that America and western governments may not be without blame, there are other leaders of non-state and state powers who require a balance on this world stage, albeit asymmetric in force and in rules of engagement. In a perfect world we could have more action than discourse to solve poverty, World Hunger, or develop Free Energy. Sadly there are too few people like Mother Theresa or Nikola Tesla, and greed and capitalism rule the majority. You are a thoughtful, brave, and courageous man and my comments are left to achieve balance, rather than the rhetoric of “..a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing”.


    • Christopher Black says:

      It’s not just my experience in African and what the west did there but also in Europe and elsewhere with my other work eg counsel to President Milosevic. There are in my experience two sides to a story as you say one true and one false and the western media puts out always a false image of reality which I had to learn the hard way. I am an admirer of Nicola Tesla but certainly not Mother Teresa who was, for me, a hypocrite of the first order, pretending to help the poor but never ever wanting to change the society that produced that poverty. But I appreciate your comments.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Irina says:

        Kind of an oxymoron re: your “the need for balance in world hegemony” , that is if I understood you correctly…
        it’s either hégémonie (eg “hégémonie mondiale”) or balance of/ between 2 or more world powers…
        Apologize if I misunderstood you 😩

        D’accord sur Mère Térésa, y a beaucoup d’autres personnages connues “charitables”… princesse Di, par exemple…😏


  4. Patrick Driscoll says:

    Hey Christopher,

    My name is Patrick. I am not sure you remember me, I am actually most sure that you do not. We met at Mango Tree in Arusha during the Augustin Ndindiliyimana case. I had attended the proceedings earlier and we spoke about how the defense was totally unprepared, and how the whole process felt like a farce. That was 2013, and I just went back to pull some court documents from the case. I just wanted to congratulate you on the acquittal. Hope life has been good for you since.


    Liked by 2 people

    • Christopher Black says:

      Hmmm, might remember if I knew the full name and could picture you since I met so many people there. 2013-yes was there to argue the appeal then. Thank you for your support and congratulations. You a journalist? I met several that time.


    • Christopher Black says:

      Thanks Patrick, sorry for the late reply, wordpress didn’t alert me to your comment. Thank you, it was a very difficult struggle to win that case but they tried to fix things right to the end. As for me, well, I’m ok. You still in Arusha?


  5. another Chris says:

    Hello, I attended both Milosevic meetings you spoke at in London in the early 2000s. At the first you convinced me of his innocence and after the second meeting (actually in a restaurant – we all went for a meal) you introduced me to the idea that the Rwanda narrative was not what it seemed. You are a courageous and principled man and I salute you. I visited Serbia last month and laid flowers on President Milosevic’s grave on behalf of his supporters in Britain. Best wishes from London, CK (aka Christopher James).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Christopher Black says:

      Thank you very much for your support and reminding me of that experience in London. Those meeting seem long ago now. I remember going to a restaurant with a group of people though I cannot remember the names now but I am sure I would recognise you. I am bad with names but good with faces. 🙂 Feel free to contact me at my email which is bar@idirect.com. I am on facebook too if you wish to connect that way. I was in Serbia last a couple of years ago but did not have a chance to visit his grave but did get a chance to visit with his family who are still in exile in Moscow.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. KARL LUCK says:

    There are very few people who know the truth about this evil we all have to live in. Fewer still are any who come out to oppose it. You are one of those and it is because you are kind, moral and decent. It also helps to be learned and intelligent. Thanks Karl

    Liked by 1 person

    • Christopher Black says:

      Thank you very much for saying so and your support. Often it seems one is talking to a void. Helps to know there are like minded people out there.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Rosie says:

    Thank you for telling the truth about Rwanda and Yugoslavia, and for your articles in the New Eastern Outlook and Global Research. Please continue to publish your views, as they are respected by many people – including those who do not leave a comment on this site. We need people like you to question and critique events as they affect all of us in one way or another.
    Thank you for being one of those people. I greatly respect and admire you!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Eric says:

    Hi Christopher,
    Thank you for your amazing work and writing. I have a great amount of respect for what you do, and as a law student I find it very inspiring. I was wondering if you there was some way I might contact you? I’m based in Toronto.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. T Clay Sucre. says:

    Hello Sir-
    Thanks for you insights and ideas.Don’t know if tis is the right forum-but just read your article-International law-The Americans dont give a damn”.are we seeing a dry run to get Assange at the Chilirean embassy in the Uk/
    Keep the fighting the fight.Peace-


    • Christopher Black says:

      you can send me a message on faecbook or my email is bar@idirect.com. Re Assange, I do not think so because the British would have to expel the Ecuadoren embassy staff first and seize the building. The US cannot do that in the UK. And I doubt the UK would ever do such a thing-they can do bad things but the regard the rules of diplomacy as sacred almost. The Americans are alone on this and made themselves look like fools. But frankly I am not a fan of Assange and have my doubts about who he really works for.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Christopher Black says:

      My apologies, somehow didnt pay attention to comments here: Re Assange, no I think his situation will linger for awhile longer. Better for them to keep him semi-isolated where he is.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Mr. Black,

    Let us extend an offer to you and/or your readers to participate in an interview by answering the (4) questions posed to Alfred recently in post: “An Interview Of Alfred Gluecksmann” at The Oneness of Humanity. Future posts will carry the same title: “An Interview Of (Your name here)”.
    Question 1…) What was your primary motivation for entering the world of blogging on the worldwide web – on the internet?
    Question 2…) How would you describe yourself with regard to spirituality? What were some of the most memorable transforming points across the years (books, personal contacts, mystical experiences, etc.) in the developing of your current spiritual perspective?
    Question 3…) What is your greatest wish for readers as a consequence after reading/considering your writings?
    Question 4…and final) Can you offer any advice to people having a difficult time dealing with government and media lies, especially as it pertains to so many average citizens who hold erroneous perceptions on important events and situations around the Earth?
    If you (or anyone who passes this way – this proposal is open to all) would like to share your (their) thoughts take as many words and as much time as necessary to accurately convey your responses, then – when completely satisfied – email them (please refrain from email formatting as it makes it more difficult to copy/paste/edit into a WordPress post) to jerryalatalo (at) hotmail.com., whereupon I will publish each individual’s response as a stand-alone post – with the ultimate goal of inclusion/compiling in a book.

    The potential book’s title has yet to become decided upon. There are no rules besides the obvious (no profanity, etc.), no word-count limits (1,000/10,000 words might suffice as a suggested lower/upper limit) or time deadlines (hoping for pre-Christmas 2017 self-publish date – Kindle, Smashwords (eBook), Amazon (softcover) … ), but only honest observations.

    Thank you and best regards,
    Jerry Alatalo


    • Christopher Black says:

      Hi Jerry, My apologies, I just saw your message today. Here are my short answers: 1. I began to blog to circulate my writing. 2. I am not a spiritual person. 3. I hope readers are informed or moved by my writing. 4. Big question-difficult to answer-read widely, think critically, don’t be afraid to tell the propagandised that they are misinformed.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Perhaps you’re old enough to remember Dallas Cowboys star running back Duane Thomas … His was a similar interview style. 🙂 One also becomes reminded of a comedian talking about Thoreau’s famous quote, “Simplify, simplify. simplify …”, the comedian commenting, “wouldn’t one ‘simplify’ have been enough?” Anyway thanks for the (succinct) reply. Peace.


      • Christopher Black says:

        Hi Jerry, well, it’s my training as a trial lawyer-say only what needs to be said. The spirituality question I sough of blew off-but didn’t mean to-just that as an atheist my relationship with life and its meaning is hard to fit into that term-though I have a sense of the spiritual but not coming from religion or related belief systems-so not knowing how to express it I gave it a one liner.

        Liked by 1 person

  11. io2u says:

    You are incredible, I read everything I can find that you have written. Thanks for your amazing work and sharing your beautiful insights. You restore my hope for humanity and Canadians specifically as I wonder if they haven’t been sucked into the black hole of America.


    • Christopher Black says:

      Thank you very much-you give me a boost and energy to write more. There are still Canadians trying to resist that black hole


      • io2u says:

        Hi, Do you think we the people can extricate ourselves from this current parasitic billionaire virus engulfing the world with fascist dictatorships? I now consider canada infected by this full-blown fascist dictatorship. These vultures have told us directly their true intent since at least early 1900s publicly and we have ignored them to our peril even as we witness the results over these decades.


      • Christopher Black says:

        Hi, I am becoming more and more pessimistic as the years pass. It is possible to change things if we can get everyone to agree and joint together to change things and many of us have tried and still try to keep at it-but the media control of the propaganda is very tight, most Canadians seem to believe what the msm tell them about foreign policy and many other things. I think we have to try, not give up, but I admit to a feeling of despair sometimes-no doubt comes out in my writing. Anyway, thank you for your support. It encourages me to keep trying.


  12. Scott MacKinnon says:

    Hi Chris; Its an old friend, Scott MacKinnon. I’d love to meet up and discuss things with you.


    • Christopher Black says:

      Dear Scott, I would like to do the same. Working with you and the crew and everyone was something I will never forget. You contacted me on Linked in a while back and I replied but you didn’t respond-maybe you didnt see my reply? My email is bar@idirect.com. My mobile is 416-453-0537. I hope all is well. warm regards, Chris


  13. Lou Cassivi says:

    Hi Chris,
    Better late than never. Just found your extraordinary site while researching the real machinations behind Rwanda and Canada’s duplicitous and hypocritical participation in it. (Am an avid follower of Global Research) Not to lessen my respect for your integrity, but am totally blown away by your eloquence – in both prose and verse. One very small observation: in “Dying in the sand…” did you mean to say “the road to he’ll is NEITHER we’ll marked nor….?”


  14. Lou Cassivi says:

    Chris, if you have a copy of the Gersony Report, would you mind emailing it to me? Some online links, but no joy with any of them.


    • Christopher Black says:

      Yes, I have it, if you can give me your email I’ll send it. Chris


      • Lou Cassivi says:

        Much appreciated, Chris. 2good2lous@gmail.com Lou Cassivi Comox Valley, BC

        On Sun, Jul 28, 2019, 1:03 PM One Voyce of the World, wrote:

        > Christopher Black commented: “Yes, I have it, if you can give me your > email I’ll send it. Chris” >


  15. Maria Palacios says:

    Hello Christopher,
    I found your article/analysis “Trump: Bring Me the Head of Luis Obrador” spot on.
    Except for the fact that you got Mexico’s President’s name wrong, (it would be nice if you could edit that); his name is Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, better known as AMLO, you dissect pretty accurately Mexico’s weakened position in front of the world’s biggest bully.
    Keep up the good work – people ARE reading you. Mainstream media is so corrupt, I appreciate hearing a counter narrative and have shared your article.


    • Christopher Black says:

      Thank you, Yes I will correct that-I used Luis because several media journals and one in Mexico referred to him with that long name including Luis as one of them. But I can change it to Lopez -I need a two syllable name to fit the title. I will chang it now, muchas gracias’


  16. Arby says:

    I’m sorry to see that Christopher Black (like so very many progressive voices) is missing in action on the covid 19 pandemic hoax. (Why is that hoax/terrorist operation continuing? People, addicted to corporate media and treating tv reporters like priests who tell no lies, are obeying the fascist authorities. That has emobldened those authorities and now we are getting the global biosecurity police State.) I would have just emailed you Christopher, to ask you what your thoughts are, but I see no contact form (such I use for my WordPress blog). I read through most of these comments and then simply entered “covid” into your search field and got zero returns. That’s hard to believe. But I’m seeing that all the time now. I’m seeing people get ‘taken’. A lot of us are witnessing that phenomenon that Christendom – fake, mainstream Christianity – calls the rapture.

    Taken: https://app.box.com/s/m5oupnqti2x7ryrfeyvq1ngfumfgta3l


    • Christopher Black says:

      I have referred to it here in this poem:
      While robins woke to fading stars,

      That drew fat worms to morning doom,

      And tired hands sought coffee jars,

      Still half in dream and nightly tomb,

      While prostitutes and presidents,

      Walked secret streets, or secret rooms,

      And madmen claimed it all made sense,

      But nightly danced in drunken fear,

      While others stared in innocence,

      But couldn’t help a sudden tear,

      Rising from their aching hearts,

      For those they lost they once held dear,

      A message came from foreign parts,

      Of something strange passed through the air;

      As if a fusillade of poisoned darts,

      That pierced the old and young, the sad and fair,

      In silence, swift, and thus, unseen,

      As Satan climbing Heaven’s stair,

      His strength renewed and body lean,

      To reclaim his old authority,

      And sit the chair where God had been,

      Sans remorse, regret, sans pity,

      First one succumbed and then the many,

      From east to west, in town, in city,

      The working poor lost every penny,

      And sat alone, apart, in wonder,

      For them escape there was not any,

      As the world around them broke asunder,

      For existence cares not what your name,

      Or what day they put you under,

      And while many played the ancient game,

      Of searching entrails for some secret reason,

      A bleating scapegoat they could blame,

      Others knew we’d had our time, our run, our season,

      Had squandered all, destroyed the world,

      Against Life itself had plotted treason,

      So down the great abyss were hurled.

      You have to explain why it is a hoax and by who and you cannot. It is real and deadly. How can you explain the Chinese, North Koreans, Iranians, Cubans, venezuelans, Vietnamese governments all acting to do their best to suppress it if it some sort of hoax,-you think those goverenments are stupid? It seems to me people who share your views are enganing in wishful thinking, whistling in the dark, for what i see isnot a plan but proof they have no idea how to react to this in the west -so chaos-there is no plan. This is a fantasy.


      • Arby says:

        That is so utterly bizarre and perverse a response, I hardly know how to respond. I’ve done 108 blog posts on covid alone, repeatedly answering all the questions that you say I’ve not answered. Your arrogance and perversity is astounding. You can’t do over a 100 blog posts on any subject and not know something about it. I’ve been researching (open source) this pandemic hoax since it was improperly called on March 11, 2020. (WHO changed the definition of pandemic in 2009 in order to protect vaccine markets.) It sounds like all of your research has been done sitting in front of big pharma-funded tv. Either that or else you ‘do’ know what’s going on and have simply chosen to side with those playing God in this war between those playing God and the true God. It’s a free universe. But it’s not one in which we are free from the consequences of our actions.

        You are awesome on Rwanda. Unfortunately, for you personally, That doesn’t matter.


      • Christopher Black says:

        You ignore my question about China etc etc etc-tell me who is behind this “hoax”. What they plan. You cannot. If you don’t like my opinion, well what to say. But I do not need you to insult me because I do not agree with you.


  17. Arby says:

    Lets see whether my response (not this) shows up here. If it doesn’t, then it will show up on my blog.


  18. Michael Dargaville says:

    Hi Christ
    Any thoughts on Andre Vltchek’s death?
    Regards, Michael


  19. Hello, just a correction on your post re: Dugina, the weapons inspector who was killed by the British state’s name was David Kelly, not Richard. Thanks for the article!


  20. Trevor says:

    Dear Christopher, I just heard your comment about BBC over reacting and blaming China. I have similar case of being authorities lying and blaming me for something I did not do, could you help me with my case?


    • Christopher Black says:

      I would have to know exactly what has happend, where you are located, the who, what and why of it. You can contact me with more information at bar@idirect.com and let me what it is all about then perhaps I can give ou some advice on what to do.


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